The Focus in Technology Leadership will be accepting applications for its 2024 Cohort!
We invite current first-year students who are admitted to the Computer Science Major, Computer Science Specialist, or Data Science Specialist programs this year to apply for FTL. You must submit an application form and attend an interview, as described below, in order to be considered.
All applications will be due following admissions to your Computer Science Program..
FTL recommends 2 internships before graduation. Students may pursue internships independently or by participating in the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP). Find out more about ASIP and how to apply on their website.
To be admitted to the Technology Leadership Focus, you must:
Have not yet completed CSC207H1 prior to beginning Focus requirements.
Complete an application and/or interview. Application information will be provided to all Computer Science Specialist and Major and Data Science Specialist program applicants during the Round 1 program admission period.
Students who complete the Technology Leadership Focus application and/or interview and are admitted to a Computer Science Specialist or Major or Data Science Specialist program will be considered for admission to the Focus.
Students admitted to the Focus will be enrolled in an industry-engaged version of CSC207H1 in the Fall term. This industry-engaged version of CSC207H1 is a required component of the Focus, and is a prerequisite to CSC308H1.
Students will be selected for FTL based on three attributes:

an intrinsic and self-directed thirst for knowledge, understanding and insight through personal experimentation; these students independently find interesting problems and investigate potential solutions

the ability to see challenges as opportunities and work hard to solve a problem, recognizing that challenges can be overcome with practice, effort and focus; these students persevere in the face of adversity

the ability to thrive in an ever changing and ambiguous environment; these students take the initiative in solving problems and are willing to adapt when circumstances change to achieve a desired outcome

June 20, 2024
June 25-28, 2024
July 5, 2024
Application Process
To apply to the 2024 Technology Leadership Initiative, please fill out the form available through the link below by June 20th, 2024.
Any questions concerning this program, the application process, or industry partnerships should be sent to leadership@cs.toronto.edu. In answering these questions, we encourage you to use your experience from any aspect of your life. For example, you could write about family, school, clubs, jobs, volunteer positions, or any other community you have been part of. They do not have to be computer science related. We recommend you work on your essay response in another document so that you can edit and save your drafts. When you are ready, copy them into this form to submit.
Cover letter (maximum 1 page) Explain why you should be admitted to the Technology Leadership program. What makes you an exceptional candidate?
Resume (maximum 2 pages)
Essay (maximum 1 page) Explain your suitability for the program through your answer to the following question: Describe a novel personal project, why it was meaningful to you, and the impact it had.
Next Steps
Once applications have been submitted and reviewed, successful applicants will be invited to a mandatory virtual interview. The key dates to remember include:
June 7, 2024: applications open
June 20, 2024: applications due
June 24, 2024: successful applicants notified of interview schedule
June 25-28, 2024: virtual interviews conducted
July 3, 2024: successful candidates will receive offers
July 5, 2024: deadline to accept offers